
To heart 2 dungeon travelers
To heart 2 dungeon travelers

to heart 2 dungeon travelers

I didn’t quite think that through when I painted the set in retrospect, I might have been better off going with gray, like I used for Saber Alter’s set, but on the other hand, I’m pretty happy with the way the brighter backdrop looks.

to heart 2 dungeon travelers

It would have been more noticeable if the background were darker, but I was blasting a lot of light through the window to blow it out and since the set is painted white, pretty much all that light got reflected back. I wanted Sasara to have this shining knight look, like I did with Sigui’s human light bulb shots. Haha, yeah, I went overboard on the overhead light. On the other hand, it still looks much better than with no textured paint at all I tried using one of the big pillars for my Darth Talon review last year and it turned out so badly that I dumped those photos. The grain comes from the props themselves I used some textured spray paint that I got from the crafts store next to the Wendy’s I like to go to for lunch, but I guess this stuff isn’t formulated for miniature scale-sized use. Yeah, I looked at the photos in Lightroom and I was surprised by how coarse the grain is. I think I first broke that rule with Rei Ayanami Alter’s 1/5 scale version of her was one of the first figures I bought, and then I got Yamato’s Shunya Yamashita-designed figure. I really wanted that figure for a long time (though looking at it again, it’s, uhh, somewhat hideous by contemporary standards) but I got Clayz’s figure around the same time that one was released. I had a similar rule for a while, back when figure makers weren’t quite so prolific, and I wonder if that played some role in me not getting GSC’s old 1/8 scale Saber figure. Certainly Caliburn or Excalibur will look much better than Sasara’s broadsword, too. I put Rin’s swords back in her box since they don’t stay stuck in her base very well, but I’ll have to pull them out and see if they will work. I didn’t try any of the GSC Fate/stay night weapons, but that’s a good idea.

to heart 2 dungeon travelers

Hopefully her price will settle out a bit after the initial rush. She appears to be in decent demand even just a few weeks after her release there are only a few listings for her up on Yahoo Japan Auctions and the buyout prices for her are significantly higher than her retail price. I figured correctly, because pally Sasara is a very impressive figure indeed. I had some slight misgivings because Volks’s Moekore figures tend to not feature the cleanest production quality, but I figured Sasara looked good enough that I wouldn’t care. When Volks announced that their Sasara figure was called the “paladin” version, my curiosity was piqued, and when I saw the promo pictures, my interest was confirmed. I stayed away from World of Warcraft for years because I was told that paladins were only good for healing and I didn’t care to spend my game time staring at a CTRaid status window while mindlessly spamming the Decursive key (I wound up doing that after I bought the game, anyway). I played a paladin in EverQuest despite the hindrance of the hybrid experience penalty. My Baldur’s Gate parties always had two paladins – my player character and Ajantis in the first game and Keldorn in the second. My party leader in the Bard’s Tale games was always a paladin. I’ve always admired the ethos of the paladin: the self-sacrificing knight devoted to justice and charity. Despite not being particularly religious, I always like to play as a paladin in role-playing games.

To heart 2 dungeon travelers