The present findings corroborate the six-dimensional structure of the MoCA and provide good evidence of the construct related validity. This study contributes to overcome an important gap in the construct related validity of this instrument.

It is used to assess global cognitive status. Fue publicado en 2005 por un grupo de la Universidad McGill que trabajó durante varios años en clínicas de memoria en. It is scored out of 30, with a score below 24 suggesting dementia. La Evaluación Cognitiva de Montreal (MoCA) es una prueba breve de 30 preguntas cuya aplicación lleva alrededor de 10 a 12 minutos y ayuda a evaluar las disfunciones cognitivas leves. An overall psychometric adequacy of the items, and a good reliability were also found. This test is currently the most widely used cognitive assessment tool. The results allowed us to establish the factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity of this six-dimensional structure. Background: Cognitive status evaluation is not routine in the acute stroke setting and there is no consensus on which neuropsychological tool is more feasible and informative. Although all tested models showed a good fit, the six-factor model based on the conceptual model proposed by the MoCA's authors showed a significantly better fit. In a Portuguese sample of 830 participants, several models were tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The present study aims to assess the construct related validity of the MoCA through the establishment of the factorial, convergent, and discriminant related validities, and the reliability of data. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief instrument developed for the screening of milder forms of cognitive impairment. Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Version 8.1 Administration and Scoring Instructions The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was designed as a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction.